Saturday, November 10, 2012

Affirmations for heartache

My heart is aching right now over a man. I don't know how this happened, why he started up with me, why he pushd me away, why he seems liek he loves and cares about me, why he disappears. I have seen this before.  I need to be able to be at peace with this. Yet I ache.

An affirmation means to state the something is true and to keep saying it over and over again until it is true. It is to align the emotional energy of that utterance with the vocal and physical energy. My being is smarting, i feel like god himself has been ripped away I have been here before why has this happened yet again. Oh why. how can I free myself of it.

Here are some affirmative prayer phrases  for heartache

My ego is powerless over others.
My ego mind is powerless over my dear P.
My ego is powerless over others. It is powerless over Martin F.Jeffrey R. Martin B. Alvin, Paul S. Joe all those who have hurt me in the past. 
I forgive everyone.

I now send P only love, even if he doesn't want to be with me. Love heals all things. I place him in my heart, then release him like a bird, and trust in God's will.  

Not my will but thy will be done

I heal my aching heart over Paul. I trust that all is well, and that what ever hurt that he triggered from my past will be released.  
I am free of this pain and trust in divine order. 

I surrender P to his higher self which knows all things. 
I am flexible and tolerant in all of my relationships with him and others
I recognize and bless what good he brought into my life with his gift  
I have confidence in all my relationships.

My higher being is drawing to me at this very moment the man who will make me happy and whom I will make happy. A perfect soul mate companion and marriage partner. If marriage is for me then let me know. And if not, then let me release this person to his highest good. 

I bless P. in divine wisdom asking only for what is right and good for the two of us. 

I surrender to your will God in all my relationships. Not my will be done but thine. I accept all outcomes knowing I am a true spirit and there is no abandonment in the spiritual world, just love. 

What would it take to change this  relationship
kind words, sofstness, open heart, willingness to try again. 

I give thanks for getting unstuck, for having the opportunity to speak my minds, to change things, to know an dbe my truth. 

Now what is it that I want. 

This is the build your relationship time. 

A truly loving ever lasting partnership with a compatible other. This person love me unconditionally as I do them. We complement each other, and heal each other and laugh alot togheter and understand each other. If it is this person P. then show me. If it is not, then free me. Give me a sign. 

My sol mate will be smart, emotionally healthy, available, handsome, energetic, sociable, it will jut be right. 

I invoke the energy of my most right relationships in this life asking me to create the essence of another.  

Laughter and paitences and unconditonal acceptance like Jim 
There is never any dougt about his love
He is emotinally healthy
slim energetic
emotionally available
someone I feel comfotable with
Free and clear of x's 
Is nurturing
Spiritual, grounded, healed, working on himself.

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